Twin Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school student reading a book at her desk
a group of 10 students walk down the hallway smiling at Twin Peaks tuition-free PK-12 charter school
student shaking hands with his teacher in the hallway of Twin Peaks Classical Academy PK-12 tuition-free charter school
Screenshots of mobile app showcasing Rooms, a two way communication tool
Welcome back to school
two teachers at Twin Peaks Classical Academy PK-12 tuition-free charter school laughing together in a school hallway
tray of paint brushes on a table at Twin Peaks tuition-free PK-12 charter school
Clean Water
Three Twin Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school track and field athletes standing proudly with medals around their necks
Twin Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school graduates in caps and gowns walking through school hallway
Twin Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school student reading graphic novel at desk
Portrait of Twin Peaks Classical Academy kindergarten teacher Ms. Ahrens
TPCA Brand
Two Twin Peaks tuition-free K-12 charter school students raising hands in a classroom with backs to the camera
Twin Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school teacher pointing to white board while students listen at their desks
Twin Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school student reading a book at his desk
win Peaks Classical Academy tuition-free charter school student working with a ruler and notebook at her desk
Four high school students at Twin Peaks Classical Charter Academy tuition-free public school sitting at classroom tables discussing books with a teacher