The elementary art room is in need of any extra skeins of yarn you may have laying around your house and are no longer using. Donations can either be dropped off to Ms. Jenner or left at the front desk. Thank you!
One of our favorite events of the year is the Tribute to Teachers award celebration sponsored by St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation. We love it because it recognizes and honors our outstanding teachers for their excellence in teaching.
Please help by nominating a teacher who you believe exemplifies excellence for a Teacher of the Year Award. Visit St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation's website at or use the QR Code to find the nomination form. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 11:45 pm.
Thank you so much!
We are so thankful for the many volunteers who have presented to Twin Peaks students about their careers! We've heard from a patent attorney, a comedian, engineers, a congressional aide, a college professor, and other wonderful people. There are still a few slots open in March, so if you (or someone you know) would be willing to share your experience with high school students, sign up here:
See Booster Club's weekly update, including this week's basketball schedule.
Interested in participating in Booster club? Give us your feedback on when you'd be able to attend a meeting.
Elementary staff, students, and families celebrated First Semester awards this week. Congratulations to all recipients!
The Winter Uniform Exchange is TODAY after school in the Commons! Bring your gently-used, uniform-compliant uniform items to exchange (every two items = 1 uniform piece credit) or purchase uniform items for $3 / each. We accept cash, check, and Stripe payments via our scannable QR code.
Twin Peaks day at the Nuggets game was so much fun! Thank you to all of you that came out!
Don't forget to join PTO TONIGHT at Bad Daddy's. Skip the cooking and cleaning and enjoy a night out to support PTO! Be sure to mention Twin Peaks PTO when you order in person or over the phone.
Plan your Week with PTO!
Feeling hungry? Join us for burgers & shakes on Wednesday at Bad Daddy's!
Feeling bored? Go through your uniform items for anything outgrown to exchange on Thursday at the Uniform Exchange in the Commons!
Feeling Meh? Book a sitter and join us for a laugh and a beer for our Comedy Night at Outworld Brewing!
See Booster Club's weekly update, including this week's basketball schedule. Don't forget that high school students can get service hours by doing basketball concessions!
Getting a little restless on this cold, cold weekend? Buy your tickets today for the 2024 Twin Peaks Classical Academy Gala and feel all warm and fuzzy knowing you will be supporting a great cause! Mark March 9th, 2024 on the calendar and purchase your tickets today.
Due to the forecasted temperatures, Tuesday, January 16th will be a snow day for Twin Peaks Classical Academy. Enjoy the extra day at home with NO REMOTE LEARNING! Stay warm, Timberwolves!
Join our PTO NEXT FRIDAY for belly laughs and adult beverages for a good cause!
I do believe we had the cutest half time show of all time at last night's high school basketball game. Way to go, Timberwolves!
Start the New Year off right by joining PTO at our January dine out night at Bad Daddy's next Wed, 1/17, from 4-8pm. There is no online code for the fundraiser, so please call the restaurant to place a "To Go" order. And as always, don't forget to mention Twin Peaks PTO when you order!
If you aren't able to make it this month, we will be at Panera on 2/12 and Raising Cane's on 3/13.
Check out Booster Club's latest update along with upcoming basketball games in this week's newsletter.
If you can, consider volunteering for concessions at one of our upcoming home games.
The next topic for our Classical Education discussion will be the Trivium which means "the three ways" or "the place where three roads meet."
Please join us tomorrow morning on Monday, January 8th at 8:15 am in the Cafetorium to discuss the complexities of the trivium. We will discuss how to teach students HOW to learn so they can approach anything new with confidence. It sounds simple enough as Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, but there is much more. Additionally, you'll have a chance to experience the trivium in action.
I hope to see you there!
Happy New Year, TPCA family! We're looking forward to seeing Middle Schoolers at tomorrow's Hot & Cold Party. It's not too late to RSVP! We hope to see you all this coming Monday after school for our first PTO meeting of the year. Interested in volunteering to earn uniform credits? Sign up to help at our Winter Uniform Exchange!
Happy New Year, Middle Schoolers! Please join us to celebrate 2024 at the Hot & Cold Party to be held January 6th from 6:30-9 at the Roosevelt Park Ice Rink. We'll have free skating, hot cocoa, and snacks!
RSVP and let us know if you can help out at
Our annual gala is in just 10 weeks! If you have not bought your tickets yet, you can still do so! Another option to support our school is to donate to our teacher ticket fund. We would love to provide as many tickets as possible for our teachers and staff! Can you help by donating to this fund in any amount? All proceeds from the event will go towards our security fund and making Twin Peaks the safest school possible.
Donate Here!
Buy Tickets Here!