Last week our performing arts team led our high school musicians in a spectacular fall showcase. We are so proud of our students for the hard work they have put in!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Sisk
High School Choir
Symphonic Band
Chamber Orchestra
National Honor Society hosted a fun, student-planned assembly for Constitution Day. High school students competed as teams to see who know the most about the U.S. Constitution!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Cook
Constitution Assembly
Parent Teacher Conferences are October 10th-12th, from 4:00-8:00. Elementary conferences are in-person and Secondary conferences are virtual. All conferences are set up through Meet the Teacher. You can find out more information, including the link to Meet the Teacher by following the link below.
over 1 year ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
GO TIMBERWOLVES! You helped raise over $35,000 - SMASHING our goal! If your student earned a t-shirt ($60 pledge level) or a hoodie ($100 pledge level), please indicate your preferred size at
over 1 year ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
Twin Peaks High School Students will each visit a college next week. Students chose between CU Denver, Regis, Metro State, and Colorado School of Mines. They will have the opportunity to see what college life is like, tour campus, and ask questions to college students. If you haven't yet, turn in your permission slip as soon as possible!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Cook
CU Denver
Smarty Shirts is this Friday!
over 1 year ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
different shirts
Are you looking for a fun Friday night date night opportunity, or just a fun night out with the family? You are all invited to our First Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser this coming Friday, October 6th at 6PM in the TPCA Cafeteria. You will be supporting your very own, Twin Peaks High School Volleyball Team. All proceeds go to help the Volleyball Team pay for much needed gear, meals, and team building activities. The Team will be cooking and serving up All You Can Eat Spaghetti and Meatballs along with scrumptious Italian Salad. A Gluten Free option will be available. Ticket prices are $10 per person. Find a Volleyball Player to purchase tickets or you can purchase directly with this Square Link. We greatly appreciate your support.
over 1 year ago, Coach Hailey Rehage
Spaghetti Dinner
On Thumos Day last Friday, Twin Peaks high school students embraced school spirit. This year, Dr. Moe led all 9th-12th graders in small group discussions on the nature of beauty. The student council did a wonderful job leading tug of war and other fun outdoor activities. Mrs. Craig created a Quiz Bowl competition, and Mr. Kirner and Mrs. Sickau organized stations of fun activities. It was a great event!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Cook
Senior Victory
Freshmen vs. Seniors
Tug of war
Quiz Bowl Final
Capture the Flag
A Peek Behind The Classical Curtain Have you ever wondered is classical education? Does the Trivium, Socrates, and the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty seem unattainable? Join Mr. Yu on the first Monday of each month beginning in November to learn about the education we are offering the community. This is open to parents and our community alike. No need to sign up. Just come to the Cafetorium at 8:15 am for a 45 minute conversation each month. You can come once or to all sessions. You're always welcome. You'll have a chance to experience classical education, learn about the principles, and discuss some of the philosophical foundations. And just like Socrates, we love questions. I hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, David Yu
Please see the attached video from Mr. Mehsling regarding the West Driveline!
over 1 year ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Do we have any families in our community that own a catering company and/or a restaurant that caters events? The Community Support Committee is looking for options to cater the Gala in March. If you are interested, please reach out to!
over 1 year ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Join us for our High School Combined Concert this evening beginning at 6:00 pm. Our band, choir, and orchestra teams would like to present what your students have learned in just over one month. We hope to see you there.
over 1 year ago, David Yu
Music Clip Art
Our first elementary concert of the year! Kudos to Ms. Mahoney and the classes of Mrs. Tefft, Mrs. Miksell, Mr. Grine, Mr. Guay, Mrs. Mowat.
over 1 year ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
After our Volleyball win on Friday, Twin Peaks high school students celebrated Homecoming with a bonfire! The jazz band performed as the sun was setting.
over 1 year ago, Rachel Cook
Jazz Band
Join us for our first elementary concert of the year tonight. Students in Ms. Tefft, Ms. Mikesell, Mr. Grine, Mr. Guay, & Ms. Mowat's classes will be having their concert at 6pm in the TPCA commons. We hope to see you all there!
over 1 year ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Twin Peaks Classical Academy High School has been recognized as a silver medal AP Honor Roll School! Last year, 53% of our seniors took an AP exam, and the number will be even higher this year. These students are reducing their college expenses by earning credits before they even enter college!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Cook
Honor Roll
A thank you from PTO.
over 1 year ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Order your Yearbook today!
over 1 year ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
YEarbook Flyer
High school parents: This is your invitation to come have some fun with your kid and their friends. Afterprom for TPCA is next spring, but we need to raise $3000 for all students to attend. Yes, you read that right, high school students don't need to go to prom to attend After Prom. There's two fall opportunities to raise funds. 1) The first is with Trunk or Treat. The high school students have been invited to do a carnival type booth for the elementary students at TPCA for Halloween. We will do a cake walk. So we need cakes or other baked goods. Halloween theme not required but is a bonus! Please signup here ... 2) The second fundraiser is old fashioned Christmas cookies. We will sell them by the dozen and have them available for pickup at the school on two Thursdays before Christmas, Dec 7 and Dec 14. I am hoping to get 12 varieties so that each dozen will have 12 different cookie types. So bring out your Grandma's fanciest cookie recipe for a good cause! I am making my family's Czech kolaches! Please sign up here for 3 dozen of your fanciest cookies by Fri Dec 1. 3) And here's the details about that invitation for having fun... chaperones will needed the night of after prom. If you want to be a part of that and the planning committee, sign up here.
over 1 year ago, Cameron Wright
Fifth Grade went on a walking field trip to Golden Ponds last week! They had a great time studying some of the different ecosystems throughout the park.
over 1 year ago, Maxwell Kleber