Colorado College's Online Visit with Twin Peaks is tonight, Thursday, April 6! Here’s the Zoom link: And here’s the registration link for students:
almost 3 years ago, David Yu
Colorado College 2
The PTO is challenging preschool and elementary Timberwolves to participate in Kindness Week April 11-15! Students can pick up a kindness sticker in the elementary front lobby each day to show their commitment to kindness. Refer to the flyer sent home in Thursday folders for acts of kindness ideas and hygiene items to donate to the OUR Center for distribution to families in need in our community. Students who complete at least six acts of kindness and turn in their flyers on Monday, April 18 will earn a prize, and teachers will be watching for and rewarding acts of kindness throughout the week too!
almost 3 years ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Kindness Week
Great things are happening at Twin Peaks! We had an assembly today to honor a few accomplishments of our student body. Rohit Thapa performed his saxaphone with songs such as "Fly Me To The Moon." Aaron Jenkins read a paper he wrote titled, "Do Animals Have Agency?" All Conference Athletes: Isaac Kieser, Ella Schauer, Yannis Diby, and Elyse Hughes. Honor Band Members: Josh Meyer, Alex Young, and Rohit Thapa Third Quarter Character Award: Sam Nyein Aung Third Quarter Academic Award: Jack Ulmer National Merit Scholar Finalist: Aaron Jenkins We will honor Aaron with a plaque in the front office.
almost 3 years ago, David Yu
Awards Assembly 1
Awards Assembly 2
Awards Assembly 3
Awards Assembly 4
Hello again...Wheels on the bus fundraiser update: WE NEED SOME SUPPORT! If every student school wide brings $10...Our goal is surpassed easily. These programs will be here for years to come, so just know that we are building for your Elementary Student as well! SPECIAL DEAL FOR WEDS MORNING - $10 or greater donation, and donor will get a Donut and Chocolate Milk. Let's see those donations roll in!
almost 3 years ago, Cameron Wright
Twin Peaks High School students and their parents are invited to attend an online information session about Colorado College on Thursday, April 7 at 7 p.m. The Colorado College representative for the Longmont area will be available to answer questions, including about the college's Colorado Pledge to help address affordability concerns for Colorado students. Use this Zoom link to attend the session:
almost 3 years ago, David Yu
Colorado College
College Night was well attended and provided helpful information about applications and the financial aid process! For juniors and their parents, the next step is creating a personalized application plan. Parents of juniors, please schedule a meeting with Ms. Cook using the link,, during the month of April to discuss the colleges at the top of your student's list and look over your student's schedule for next year. If the available times don't fit into your schedule, send Ms. Cook an email at, and she will give you a call to schedule a time that works for you.
almost 3 years ago, David Yu
College Night
Join us next week for a presentation of Alice in Wonderland! Buy Tickets today!
almost 3 years ago, Cameron Wright
Alice in Wonderland
Last night's Talent Show highlighted the many ways our students excel!
almost 3 years ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Talent Show
Talent Show
Talent Show
Talent Show
Twin Peaks Preschool now enrolling for Fall 2022! 3's - Tuesday/Thursday 4's and 5's - Monday/Wednesday/Friday Check the website for more information and sign up for a tour!
almost 3 years ago, Leslie Chrysler, Preschool Director/Teacher
Preschool Classroom
Wheels on the Bus Fundraiser Update: Volunteers needed, sign up here! April 4th - 8th, in the driveline. Can't help with time? Donations welcome now!
almost 3 years ago, Cameron Wright
Booster Club Venmo
TPCA College Application and Scholarship Night Twin Peaks is offering a College Application and Scholarship Night for high school students and their families on Thursday, March 31st at 6:00 p.m. in the Character Center. The event, co-sponsored by ROAR (Regional Officers of Admissions of the Rockies), will feature presentations from college admissions counselors about how to write a solid college application, apply for scholarships, and navigate the financial aid process. Pizza will be provided. Please RSVP: Parents are encouraged to attend.
almost 3 years ago, David Yu
College Night
The Bolder Boulder Running Club started practice today. It's not too late to join! Contact Lynn Jenner for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
The Bolder Boulder Running Club started practice today. It's not too late to join. Contact Lynn Jenner for more information.
April 4th-8th, the Booster Club, parent volunteers, and student athletes will be walking the driveline both morning and afternoon to collect donations for our annual fundraiser. The fundraiser goes to support Twin Peaks Athletics. We have set a goal of $5000.00 for this year! Be on the look out for the cans and the cowbells!
almost 3 years ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
The new Preschool Playground has arrived and been tested! We like it!
almost 3 years ago, Leslie Chrysler, Preschool Director/Teacher
Preschool Playground
Spring Break update from Mr. Mehsling! Have a wonderful spring break!
almost 3 years ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Our Elementary Reading Challenge is complete! Students read 1575 books in four weeks! Kindergarten read the most books this year to earn a fun celebration with Mrs. Coniff, Mrs. Monroe, and Mr. Kleber!
almost 3 years ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Check out our summer athletic offerings for incoming K-12th graders!
almost 3 years ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Summer athletic programs
6th graders working hard on science experiments and observing phases of matter this morning!
almost 3 years ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
science experiment
science experiments
Last day to VOTE for next year's Board of Directors. Polls are open until 3:30 on both sides of the building and until 7 PM on the elementary side. Candidate information can be found on the front page of the website.
almost 3 years ago, Nancy Box
Letters that spell VOTE
Tell your friends that Twin Peaks Preschool is enrolling for Fall 2022! 3 years - Tuesday/Thursday 8-12 or 8-3 4-5 years - Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8-12 or 8-3
almost 3 years ago, Leslie Chrysler, Preschool Director/Teacher
Preschool Classroom