Parent Teacher Conferences are October 8th-10th, from 4:00-8:00. Elementary conferences are in-person. Secondary conferences are virtual. Parents can sign up for all conferences via Meet the Teacher. The window to set appointments is open for parents from September 30th at 7am to October 7th at 9 pm. Please contact Pooja at the front office if you have questions or need help. There is no school on October 11th and 14th.
3 months ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
TPCA logo
Kindergarten celebrated the life and legacy of Johnny Appleseed while exploring everything apple related! They learned not only how apple trees grow, but how the smallest seeds of kindness can grow into groves into groves of goodness that will last a lifetime!
4 months ago, Alissa Gutierrez
carmel apples
Apple worksheet
Apple Painting
Parent Volunteer
carmel apples
Are you looking for a fun Friday night date night opportunity, or just a fun night out with the family? You are all invited to our Second Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Friday, October 18th at 5PM in the TPCA Cafeteria. You will be supporting your very own, Twin Peaks High School Volleyball Team. All proceeds go to help the Volleyball Team pay for much needed gear, meals, and team building activities. The Team will be cooking and serving up All You Can Eat Spaghetti and Meatballs along with scrumptious Italian Salad. A Gluten Free option will be available. Ticket prices are $10 per person. Find a Volleyball Player to purchase tickets . We greatly appreciate your support.
4 months ago, Cameron Wright
T Athletics
Spirit week is coming September 30th through October 4th. Show your school pride and represent your class! Friday is our homecoming celebration with recognition of both our volleyball and soccer teams during the volleyball games on October 4th. We look forward to seeing everyone represent Twin Peaks Classical Academy. GO TIMBERWOLVES!!! Monday: Hawaiian Day Tuesday: Class Color Day - 5th and 12th grade: Purple - 4th and 11th grade: Blue - 3rd and 10th grade: Green - 2nd and 9th grade: White - 1st and 8th grade: Yellow - K and 7th grade: Orange - Pre-K and 6th grade: Pink Wednesday: BBQ Dad vs. Soccer Mom day Thursday: Twin day Friday: Spirit day
4 months ago, Quinn Kirner
Homecoming spirit week is coming September 30 - October 4. Monday is Hawaiian Day, Tuesday is Class Color Day, Wednesday is BBQ Dad vs Soccer Mom day, Thursday is Twin Day, and Friday is Spirit Day!
We are looking for some volunteers to coach 3rd Grade girls and boys basketball here at Twin Peaks! The requirements are listed below. If you are interested, please contact Coach Wright for more information. Organize a practice plan, teach the kids basic skills. Keep kids engaged, learning, and having fun. Practice 2 days per week (evening time slots, possibly share the gym between boys and girls teams) Time of practice 1 hour per session. Games are typically on Saturday mornings, and sometimes will be a double header Season length 6 weeks. All participants will sign up through the City of Longmont. Coach should keep track of sign ups, and keep only TPCA students. Visit the City of Longmont page to get signed up to be a coach.
4 months ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
TPCA logo & Basketball
Timberwolves, we are SO close to our Trot goal of $40,000. As of this morning, we are sitting at $33,418! Wow, thank you so much to those who have donated! The PTO has decided to extend the donation period through this weekend so keep those final efforts going. We also want to give a shout-out to our classes/seminars that have hit their class goal already: Sanvig Teegardin PreK Tefft Guay Finlayson Rawlins Tobias Borcherdt Jennings Cartmell-Aurum Starks-Atomos Grine
4 months ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
Trot Progress
Booster Club's Regal Cinema fundraiser is LIVE! Be sure to order your ticket 2 pack for $30 and help support our athletes. Get your tickets from now until 10/9 and Booster Club will get 25%.
4 months ago, High School Booster Club
Regal Fundraiser
Check out a quick school update from our Director, Mr. Mehsling!
4 months ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Twin Peaks Logo
Middle School Boys Basketball registration is open now! First practice is Oct 1st, 3:15 - 4:30 First game is Monday Oct 7th, Vs Firestone Charter Academy, Sign up today!
4 months ago, Cameron Wright
T nation
Ms. Teegardin's, Ms. Starks, and Ms. Finlayson's class have already met their Trot fundraising goal to win an ice cream party! It's not too late to help your class or seminar win one too! Send in your pledge envelopes with your student tomorrow for a chance for them to win a sweet prize from our next drawing on Wednesday!
4 months ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
ice cream party
Timothy Gabrielson took first place on Friday night out of a field of 400 young men at the SVVSD Invitational middle school cross country meet! Way to go, Timothy and all the Timberwolf runners!
4 months ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
boy running in field
Kids in Twin Peaks shirts, looking at sunset over a track and field
Do you love movies? Do you love helping our athletes? Help support Booster Club by buying a movie ticket 2 pack for only $30! Booster Club gets 25% of all sales. Our fundraiser goes from 9/25-10/9, but we're entering a competition for the most sales on Sept. 26! Check back on Sept. 25 for the link to order your tickets!
4 months ago, High School Booster Club
Regal Fundraiser
Middle School Social - Friday Sept 27th 3 pm to 5 pm in the South Courtyard.
4 months ago, Cameron Wright
Twin Peaks Classical Academy will be hosting our annual naturalization ceremony on October 3rd, at 4:00 pm in the Commons. All families are encouraged to attend and watch the event.
4 months ago, Cameron Wright
Patrick Kramer, TPCA parent and firefighter, gave a presentation to Fifth grade about the effects of fires on our ecosystem from a first hand experience.
4 months ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Mr. Kramer and students
Mr. Kramer and students
Third graders enjoyed hearing Dr. Currier's presentation, Predator v. Prey, to support their learning of Animal Classification in Science!
4 months ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Dr. Currier and students
Dr. Currier and students
Dr. Currier and students
Let's keep up the momentum, Timberwolves, and meet our goal of $40,000! To "sweeten" the deal, PTO is offering prizes for each benchmark you hit.
4 months ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
Raffle Announcement
Do you want to work at your child's school? Do you want to have the same days off that your child does? Good News! The kitchen has an opening! We are looking for someone to work 8:30-2:30. To join our awesome kitchen team apply online at
4 months ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
5 women smiling in front of tree
Take the night off from preparing dinner on Wednesday, Sept 18th, and join your TPCA community at Red Robin to help PTO receive 20% of the profits!
4 months ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
Red Robin flyer
Message from the City of Longmont: Starting on September 18 for approximately 10 days, there will be a full closure of River Rd. at the S. Francis St. intersection. S. Francis St. will remain open to Boston Ave so parents can still use that route to school. However, River Rd will be closed to through traffic from Barnard Ct. west. I just want to make sure you are aware that traffic will be detouring and not using River Rd. as an alternative to/from Boston Ave.
4 months ago, Joseph Mehsling, Executive Director
Road Construction