Twin Peaks Classical Academy Community and Prospective Community Members,
I came across this article last week and its worth your time to take a few minutes to read; Finding a Safe School is Driving Parents' Educational Decisions. At TPCA we came to this conclusion last year. I do take exception to some elements of the article regarding school security. Specifically that prioritizing the safety of your children comes at a cost to other facets of a school, namely student achievement. Schools have many priorities and it is not a zero sum game. At TPCA we value student academic achievement, extracurricular activities and student safety equally. It is just a matter of resolve to implement and we pride ourselves with what is in place.
The TPCA School Security Plan is here and it is something we examine with great frequency. Updates from last Spring's plan include more intensive First Aid Training for staff members including the the purchase and training around trauma kits. We will spend an entire professional development day at the beginning of next year working with Tac One's "beyond the lockdown" training; enhancing and improving our reactions if the unthinkable happens here.
Joe Mehsling
Executive Director TPCA