Twin Peaks students at Math Day CSU

Twin Peaks High School Students,

While it’s still cold outside, we have so many resources this month to help you plan for summer! As Jill Tipograph puts it, “Explore different opportunities. Think about ways that you can use summer to grow further into being the human you want to be. Set yourself up to explore possible majors or career options.”

All High School:

  • Career Days continue in February and March. If you know an adult who would like to sign up to come in, give them this link. Students can sign up for career day presentations on the bulletin board outside the math classrooms. 

  • Wondering about how to pay for college? Here is a scholarships crash course.

  • Course Requests: Students should have completed their class requests for next school year. If you haven’t, be sure to contact me! Parents, it can be great to check in with your students about the classes they are planning to take next year. (Which should appear on your Infinite Campus account, too!) I am also available to meet with you to discuss options.

  • College App & Admissions Timeline: In the second semester, many ninth graders begin thinking about how to prepare for college. These resources and calendar will help you stay on track.

  • Values Exercise (video): Spend some time thinking about your core values with this simple exercise. Your answers may help drive how you spend this upcoming summer. What are some options for summer activities? It’s a great time to volunteer, participate in camps, and develop your skills in the things you love.

  • What camps are available this summer? The Innovation Center offers day camps related to technology and engineering, some of which are held at CU Boulder. Registration opens March 1, and the cost is $150 (or at least it was last year). 

  • Identify a summer program: For even more options, search for programs around Longmont to find some great classes related to science, leadership, and even mountaineering. 

  • Congressional Award: Want a program that will help you set goals in volunteering, character, and physical fitness? Consider signing up for the Congressional Award. 

  • Schedule a meeting with me: Do you have individual questions about which classes to take next year? Are you wondering what volunteer opportunities are available this summer based on your interests? I’m happy to meet with you (and your parents, if they would like!)

  • Explore classes at Front Range: Consider taking a college class in a subject that interests you at Front Range Community College. The class schedule will be available in March. Submit your course syllabus and final grade to Twin Peaks for the possibility of the course counting as high school credit, too!

9th Grade

  • Want to invest in your community? If you live in Longmont, consider joining the Longmont Youth Council. Student members decide how to use funds to support youth-created projects. 

10th Grade

  • Virtual college fairs : There are many opportunities to attend college fairs from home, including sessions that focus on STEM programs and the visual and performing arts. These easy-to-attend virtual events can be a great window into what college is all about.

  • Explore classes at Front Range: Consider taking a college class in a subject that interests you at Front Range Community College. The class schedule will be available March 6. Submit your course syllabus and final grade to Twin Peaks for the possibility of the course counting as high school credit, too!

  • Hispanic College Institute at Fort Hays University: This program provides free food and lodging to students with a 2.5 GPA or higher and will teach students about the college admissions process and financial aid, provide leadership opportunities, and include the opportunity to compete for scholarships. June 4-7th

  • Colorado College Pre-College Program invites rising juniors and seniors to experience CC’s unique block plan and earn college credit. Scholarships are available. 

  • Stanford’s Pre-Collegiate Studies offers programs in humanities, mathematics, and 

  • RYLA: RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a life-changing leadership training program where young people learn, develop, and enhance leadership skills and principles in an atmosphere of trust and respect. Attendees are funded by the rotary club. 

11th Grade

  • Here’s my presentation on the college admissions process. I’m happy to schedule an after-school presentation from college admissions counselors for parents and students if there is interest. (Just send me an email to let me know!)

  • Virtual college fairs: There are many opportunities to attend college fairs from home, including sessions that focus on STEM programs and the visual and performing arts. These easy-to-attend virtual events can be a great window into what college is all about.

  • Matchlighters Scholars Program: Students who receive free or reduced lunch may be eligible for 10 hours of free college essay and application advising if they have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Check it out! Registration is in March.

  • Interested in attending a military academy?  West Point offers a one-week Summer Leaders experience for students who will be seniors next year. The application opens February 15. The Coast Guard and the US Naval Academy also have applications to their summer programs open now.

  • QuestBridge College Prep Scholars: This is an amazing program for low-income highly determined students. We’ve had students from the past couple of years become QuestBridge Scholars (and earn lots of scholarships!) See if you qualify to apply for this top-notch college admission support program.

  • Pre-work for your teacher recommendations: Take a look at this form and imagine how your teacher(s) might fill it out. What are your strengths/areas for improvement? What words will come to their mind when they think of you? You’ll request teacher recs in May, so this is a good time to start thinking about these important pieces of the college application process.

  • 5 Ways to Spend Your High School Summer: Think about your summer in the context of how your choices can help you to lead a happier life (really!). Interested in volunteering? Check out these opportunities near Twin Peaks.

  • When taking the Colorado school day SAT this spring, 11th grade students will have the option of taking the SAT with or without the optional essay. This will be the only opportunity for students who wish to take the optional essay to add it to their April school day test registration. Students may add the essay to their registration by contacting Ms. Cook ( before February 15th. Here is more information. 

  • RYLA: RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a life-changing leadership training program in Estes Park where young people learn, develop, and enhance leadership skills and principles in an atmosphere of trust and respect. Attendees are funded by the rotary club. 

  • Boys State and Girls State offered by the American Legion: Free six-day program in June. Open only to students who will be seniors next year, this program provides you with the opportunity to enact the democratic process, practice leadership skills, and have fun with new friends. Also, these programs offer college scholarships and college credits. 

  • The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation awards large scholarships to high achieving students. You can sign up for notifications on the scholarship by following the link. 

  • Thomas Aquinas College Great Books Summer Program: A two-week program in either California or New England that provides deep discussion of the fundamental questions

  • Hillsdale College High School Study and Travel Programs: Students travel to Europe studying topics such as Winston Churchill and WWII and the Land and Literature of England. Hillsdale also offers a Liberty and Learning Youth Conference

  • Hispanic College Institute at Fort Hays University: This program provides free food and lodging to students with a 2.5 GPA or higher and will teach students about the college admissions process and financial aid, provide leadership opportunities, and include the opportunity to compete for scholarships. 

  • Colorado College Pre-College Program invites rising juniors and seniors to experience CC’s unique block plan and earn college credit. Scholarships are available. 

  • Stanford’s Pre-Collegiate Studies offers programs in humanities, mathematics, and beyond.

  • Wartburg College Summer Leadership and Service Summit offers college credit and volunteer hours 

  • Hispanic College Institute at Fort Hays University: This program provides free food and lodging to students with a 2.5 GPA or higher and will teach students about the college admissions process and financial aid, provide leadership opportunities, and include the opportunity to compete for scholarships. June 4-7th

  • Schedule a meeting with me: Do you have individual questions about which classes to take next year? Are you wondering what you can do this summer to start narrowing down the colleges you are interested in? I’m happy to meet with you (and your parents, if they would like!)


  • Timberwolf Running Legacy Scholarship: A $500 scholarship for a Twin Peaks student who participates in running sports. This is a wonderful opportunity! (And Twin Peaks supporters, contact Coach Wright or me if you are interested in sponsoring a scholarship for our students.)

  • Senioritis: The temptation is understandable, but this is not the time to slack off. Colleges will see your final transcript this summer, and they do have the right to rescind their offer of admission if your spring grades drop significantly.

  • Admitted student events: If possible, attend in-person and virtual events for admitted students to get your questions answered and help inform your decision-making process.

  • Scholarships: Search for possible fits based on your academic interests, religion, and more.

  • RYLA: RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a life-changing leadership training program where young people learn, develop, and enhance leadership skills and principles in an atmosphere of trust and respect. Attendees are funded by the rotary club. 


Ms. Cook