Board of Directors Elections

Board of Directors Candidate Information & Election Dates

Three candidates have applied for two open seats to serve on the Twin Peaks Classical Academy Board of Directors for three year terms.  Information about the candidates and next week’s election dates are below.

  • 3/10, 8:15am: Candidate Forum - Coffee with the Candidates in the Character Center

  • 3/12 & 3/13:  Elections 

    • Ballots and Ballot Boxes will be located in the Elementary and Secondary Lobbies, 7:30 AM until 3:30 PM.  

    • Voting after 3:30 PM will take place in the Elementary Lobby until 7:00 PM on 3/13.

Deven Noteboom


Explain why you chose TPCA for your child(ren).

Before enrolling, we toured quite a few schools in the area – our neighborhood schools, local private schools, and other charters. Once we toured Twin Peaks, we knew we’d found The One. The characteristics that stood out to us most were the wholistic nature of the Classical curriculum, the emphasis on strong character, and the very calm, well-managed classrooms.
Tell us about yourself and the skills, experiences or qualifications you offer the Board of Directors and the TPCA Community.

I have lived on the front range for over 25 years and Longmont has been my family’s home for more than half of those years. My husband and I have had a chance to build many strong relationships during our time here, which allows us to tell others about all that Twin Peaks has to offer. In our free time, we enjoy volunteering, attending local events, and playing outdoors throughout our beautiful state.

Professionally, I work in a project management capacity, collaborating across teams to achieve common goals. I have experience leading departments, training and mentoring staff, managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and ensuring client success.

Most importantly, I’m a Twin Peaks parent, like you. The education and experiences offered at Twin Peaks are so valuable for all of our kids. Our school offers an important alternative in our district. I want to continue to serve on the Board to ensure that as we grow, we always stay true to the Vision of our school.

Describe the challenges or opportunities you believe TPCA will face in the short and long term future.

We are on an upward trend for enrollment while other schools are declining. I see a big opportunity for us to continue to set ourselves apart as a niche school that is meeting an ever-growing need in our community. One of our key challenges is funding which is dependent on legislation, voter choices, and the St. Vrain Valley School District as our charter authorizer. Maintaining strong relationships with the district and the state board of education are critical to the continued success of our school.

Explain why you want to serve as a TPCA Board member. Please elaborate, particularly if you are running as a community member.

It has been my great pleasure to sit on the TPCA Board of Directors for the past three years. As a Board, we have done good work in making it possible for our amazing Leadership Team to do their work. As a collective group, we have been well-aligned and focused, which has allowed us to be one of the top-performing schools in the district, the safest school in the district, and to continue to grow our enrollment. With first-hand experience, board continuity, and a passion for who we are and what we do as a school, I would love the chance to serve a second term.

Herbert ("H.P.") McCracken


Explain why you chose TPCA for your child(ren).

Upon moving to Longmont years ago, the reputation of TPCA's teachers and community excited us, and our experience since that time has confirmed the reports of great teachers and a community and culture of learning. My wife and I were also glad to have the option of a classical model school. So many schools are simply trying pump students with data and crank out graduates. The pursuit of big and enduring ideas and truths through core knowledge curriculum and an integrated emphasis on character at TPCA is important to us. The emphasis in the classical model on teaching students HOW to learn and to LOVE learning is also important.

We also were drawn to the emphasis on reading and books, with technology in an important and appropriate--but supportive and not dominant--role.

The fact that the school is overseen by a parent-elected board of (largely) parents is another reason we chose the school. Many school boards are populated by many excellent people, but decisions about what is best for a student body are best made by those closest and most invested.

Tell us about yourself and the skills, experiences or qualifications you offer the Board of Directors and the TPCA Community.

I am originally from PA, where I grew up, but have always had many family connections to CO, and this is my 5th year in Longmont. My wife and I have been married 19 years.

I love kids and hold family relationships and the education of children in high regard. I am dad to 4 kids, and uncle to 17.

I have significant experience in leading and in working with others as sole pastor of a local church in Longmont. I have been a pastor full-time for 13 years, now.

Much of my appreciation for the core knowledge curriculum and use of classic literature of TPCA connects well to my bachelor's degree in history from a small, liberal-arts college. I also majored in secondary education and have a (expired, now, since I changed careers!) teaching certificate from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I taught full time in high school for one year and have much experience substitute teaching.

I also currently serve on the Board of Trustees for a private, 4-year college, serving also on its Marketing and Enrollment Committee and have served hiring search committees.

Describe the challenges or opportunities you believe TPCA will face in the short and long term future.

Maintaining and healthfully growing enrollment as needed will be an ongoing need.

Maintaining TPCA's commitment to its approach to technology and how it is balanced with books, personal interaction/community, etc., along with its commitment to giving a voice and vote to the past will always be a challenge in the age of technology and the age of neophilia.

Continued integration of TPCA's 6 Pillars of Character is perhaps increasingly valuable in a politically changed and polarized time.

Noting that our HS population is smaller (and there's nothing wrong with that!), TPCA faces the opportunity to grow appreciation for our HS, including the way it is the important culmination of an intentional classical education.

Explain why you want to serve as a TPCA Board member. Please elaborate, particularly if you are running as a community member.

I am eager to support the guiding principles and philosophy of this school, and to support the administration and teachers who implement it so well. I am eager to support the continued provision for our community of a school like TPCA, and to work on and toward the challenges and opportunities noted above. I believe I have gifts and experiences that will be valuable to the board.

Russell Wurth


Explain why you chose TPCA for your child(ren).

We chose TPCA because we value the classical education, small class sizes, community, and extracurricular activities. My wife is a teacher, so we recognize and value the importance of quality curriculum and STEM focus.

I enjoy coaching the TPCA grade school boys basketball and look to get more involved with the robotics club. My wife works with the booster club to increase awareness in TPCA athletics.

Tell us about yourself and the skills, experiences or qualifications you offer the Board of Directors and the TPCA Community.

I am a business executive with experience in sales and marketing, as well as a father of 4 who has coached youth sports for the past 16 years. I feel my business experience would be a valuable asset to TPCA to increase brand awareness in the community to drive attendance, while also contributing to programs such as sports, robotics, and cybersecurity to attract parents and students.

I have participated in non-profit boards and organizations in the past - from advisor to financial secretary. I understand the challenges of these organizations that have limited funds that need to spend and invest carefully to fulfill the organizations' mission and drive growth.

Describe the challenges or opportunities you believe TPCA will face in the short and long term future.

I think TPCA has challenges in attracting and retaining parents and students given the number of options in west Longmont and the decreasing family sizes and number of children in this area of the district. Parents have many options with many different interests. It is important to define the strong core values and benefits of TPCA, starting with the parents and the community. Creating a tight bond reduces the likelihood of kids switching schools, and creates an environment that draws other parents and children into it.

TPCA should continue to invest in athletics and special programs like robotics and cybersecurity, both of which will prepare students for a very competitive future.

The opportunity for TPCA is to leverage the parents, community, and facilities, creating greater brand recognition in the Longmont area and on social media

Explain why you want to serve as a TPCA Board member. Please elaborate, particularly if you are running as a community member.

I feel that my passion, experience, ability to collaborate and innovate would make me an excellent member of the TPCA board. Although I do not have an academic background, my experience in technology, engineering, business, and marketing will provide both ideas and execution of programs with other board members to help achieve the TPCA mission.

I believe that I can be effective in helping to prioritize the challenges and opportunities, working with board members to formulate plans, and inspire others to volunteer to participate in solutions.