The PTO is teaming up with NHS and NJHS for a food drive this holiday season! All items collected will be donated to the Our Center and the classes that collect the most will earn fabulous prizes! The themes are as follows:

Donations can be dropped off at both offices (elementary and secondary). Donations will also be collected during seminars (secondary) and elementary will have boxes outside of their classrooms.

11/15 - Meatless Monday (veggies, beans, etc.) 
11/16 - Tasty Tuesday (desserts, sweets, bagged sugar) 
11/17 - Boxed Wednesday (potatoes, stuffing, etc.) 
11/18 - Thankful Thursday (anything you can think of!) 
11/19 - "Soup-er" Friday (soup!) 

COMMITTEE MEETINGS in East Media/Character Center 
Please note, committee meetings are events that three or more Board members may be attending. Posting this notice satisfies the requirements of the Colorado Sunshine Law.

  • November 19 Dress of Choice Day
  • Thanksgiving Break Nov. 22-26

  • December 1 - Picture Retakes

  • December 2 and 3 - Hearing and Vision Screening for grades PK-3, 5, 7, 10

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