We had a great time and had a wonderful costume contest at our Middle School social this year. Thank you for coming out!
about 3 years ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Students in costume line up and pose on sidewalk
Students in costume line up and pose on sidewalk
Students in costume line up and pose on sidewalk
Students in costume line up and pose on sidewalk
Meet our secondary math department! Mission Statement: The Mathematics Department enables students to identify, represent, and formalize patterns through their work with numeracy, modeling, abstraction, application, and critical thinking in order that they may become citizens who discern and share truth. Jenna Sickau- 1 year at Twin Peaks Erica Bethel- 1 year at Twin Peaks Steph Sickau- 9 years at Twin Peaks Pam Wanninger- 6 years at Twin Peaks Molly Finnegan- 7 years at Twin Peaks Becky Frey- 2 years at Twin Peaks
about 3 years ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Math teachers photoshopped around a massive chalkboard surrounded by ladders and equations
Did you know Twin Peaks Classical Academy has a mobile app? It's everything TPCA, in your pocket! Check it out on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
over 3 years ago, 01apptegy
Laptop with smartphone
Welcome to Twin Peaks Classical Academy.
over 3 years ago, 01apptegy
Picture of the Twin Sisters mountains